
Ancient settlement discovered in Sheki

Almaty. September 23. Informaion Center - Remains of an ancient settlement have been found in Sheki. The historical monument was discovered during archaeological excavations carried out by the Azerbaijani-Kazakh international archaeological expedition at the Tepebashi monument, MENAFN – AzerNews reports.

As a result, an archeological team found artifacts confirming the traces of the ancient settlement. For the first time during the Fazil village excavations, archeologist came across ancient farm buildings. 

Moreover, a 2,000-year-old potter's oven and the old cemetery were also discovered during the cleanup.  

The graves contained numerous material and cultural artifacts of the ancient period - ceramics, bronze objects, iron weapons, ceramic beads, as well as the remains of people and animals.

The excavation was documented by drone aerial photography, and the recovered material was recovered on site and included in the inventory.

Kazakhstani archaeologists were unable to take part in the archaeological excavations in Sheki this year. Nevertheless, Azerbaijani and Kazakh archaeologists will work together on a scientific analysis of this kind of excavation. Archaeological excavations in the village of Fazil will continue next year.

A catalog and explanation of the findings will be issued in international publications.

For the first time during the archaeological excavations in 2020 of the Tepebashi monument, which has been studied since 1984 and was still known as a necropolis, farm buildings were discovered.

Rightly called the architectural reserve of the country, Sheki is home to multiple historical sites, including caravanserais, ancient mosques and much more. 

It was one of the biggest cities of the Albanian states in the 1st century. The main temple of the ancient Albanians was located there.  

Gelersen-Gorersen fortress, Sheki Juma, Omar Efendi mosques, Narin Gala, Palace of Sheki Khans are among some of the city`s most popular historical sites. 


Источник: MENAFN

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