
Central Asian nations intensify cooperation with Japan

Almaty. August 12. Information Center - Effective cooperation in the fight against coronavirus, tackling the current pandemic’s negative effects on the region’s economy and intensifying foreign economic activity are the issues that were discussed during the extraordinary meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the ‘Central Asia plus Japan Dialogue’, Kazakh TV reported.

The conference, which was held online, was also attended by Kazakh Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi.   During the video conference, the high-ranking diplomats paid particular attention to the epidemiological situation, intraregional cooperation in the provision of humanitarian assistance and the return of citizens from foreign countries, as well as the prospects for the resumption of economic mobility and business activity.   Kazakhstan expressed gratitude to the Japanese government for its comprehensive support in the fight against coronavirus and its readiness to strengthen cooperation of the sanitary and epidemiological services of the two countries on the introduction of best practices, as well as the provision of scientific and practical assistance in the development of the vaccine and new medicines.   The decision of uniting practical efforts aimed at restoring trade and economic cooperation was announced by the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the participating countries. In their view, in order to modernize the economy of Central Asian region, it is also necessary to use the economic and technological potential of Japan through joint projects. It was proposed that specific recommendations for launching projects in the field of trade, investment and agro-industrial complex involving Japanese business be developed for the next, the eighth, Foreign Ministers’ meeting. It will take place in Tokyo in 2021.   The ‘Central Asia plus Japan Dialogue’ was convened at the initiative of Japan. The first meeting took place in Nur-Sultan in 2004. The main areas of cooperation within this format are political dialogue, development of intraregional cooperation, promotion of business, intellectual dialogue and strengthening of cultural ties.

Источник: Kazakh TV

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