
India among several others to attend Sunday's Kazakh Parliamentary polls as observers

 Almaty. January 8. Information Center - Indian election observers as part of the SCO team will be among international observers for Sunday's Parliamentary polls in Central Asia's biggest republic Kazakhstan that decided to continue with the election process notwithstanding the pandemic, The Economic Times reports.

The Kazakh Central Election Commission (CEC) accredited a total of 398 foreign observers ahead of Kazakhstan's Jan. 10 parliamentary elections. The list included 322 observers from ten international organizations and 76 from 31 foreign countries.

More than half of the observers from international organizations are representatives of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Executive Committee -179 observers. The next biggest delegations of observers are from the CIS InterparliamentaryAssembly-48 observers, and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) - 42.

There are also observers from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (15), OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (9), Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries (9), Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States (7), Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (7), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (4), European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan (2).

Asia, Europe, North America, and the Middle East are represented among the 398 countries. There are observers from the post-Soviet space - Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia, and Estonia; European countries - Romania, Hungary, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Great Britain; as well as from Mongolia, India, Philippines, Palestine, Canada, Maldives, Indonesia, and Jordan.

The elections of deputies of the Majilis (lower house of the Kazakh Parliament) and maslikhats (local representative bodies) will take place Jan. 10.

Meanwhile, Indo-Kazakh ties will get push next month with Ministerial visits to India. These visits will help prepare for the State visit of Kazakhstan President to India later this year. Indo-Kazakh trade volume has crossed two billion USD in 2020 despite pandemic. Kazakhstan holds regular consultations with India on strengthening its democratic institutions as its 30th year of its independence in 2021.


Источник: The Economic Times

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