
Kazakh leader praises Communist Party of China

Фото:Kokshetau Asia

Almaty. April 2. Information Center - The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always put its people’s interests at the forefront, which is key to China’s stunning achievements in the past decades, a Kazakh politician has said, Weekly Blitz reports citing Xinhua.

In a recent interview with Xinhua, Olzhas Syzdykov, secretary of the Central Committee of the People’s Party ofKazakhstan, praisedChina’s achievement in eradicating extreme poverty, which has made tens of millions of people live better lives and develop themselves.

“The Chinese miracle in the fight against poverty offers an example for the whole world. And our party took the experience of China as a model,” he said. “We believe that to tackle poverty, the most important investment should go to human capital. And China is a perfect example.”

It has been under the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, that the CPC has achieved its goal of eradicating extreme poverty before the party’s 100th founding anniversary this year, the Kazakh politician said, adding that China has also secured economic growth and cracked down on corruption over the past years.

Syzdykov said the CPC has offered a new governance approach to building a more just society. It allows the country to use the accumulated capital to satisfy more social needs, so as to not only bake a bigger cake but divide it in a much fairer way, he noted.

Thanks to the cohesion and leadership of the CPC, China has been able to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, while most developed countries continue to struggle, he said.

“The Chinese people are united under the leadership of the CPC. They have been able to accomplish what those developed countries cannot do,” said Syzdykov.

Stressing that the CPC is from the people and wholeheartedly serves the people, he said the party knows and cares all the aspirations of the people, as they are an integral part of it.

The merit of the CPC is that it has been pursuing a socialist path of development and always been trying to solve problems, he noted.


Источник: Weekly Blitz

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