
Sheikh Zayed Falcon Release Programme Enters 27th Year By Releasing 86 Falcons Into Skies Of Kazakhstan

Almaty. April 22. Information Center - The Sheikh Zayed Falcon Release Programme (SZFRP) returned this year to Kazakhstan, where it released 86 falcons, including 51 Peregrine and 35 Sakr falcons, after an exceptional session last year in Uzbekistan. The release confirms the continuity of the eternal legacy of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who established the programme in 1995, Urdu Point reports.

To continue Sheikh Zayed's dedication to nature annually without interruption, the programme is now being held under the patronage of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and under the follow-up of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region and Chairman of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD).

The programme is supervised by EAD, in partnership with the International Fund for the Conservation of Houbara (IFCH) who oversees the technical and field aspects, and the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital (ADFH) who undertakes the provision of veterinary services.

In this session, 11 falcons were fitted with satellite-tracking devices, powered by solar energy, which will monitor survival, propagation rates and traditional migratory routes, and accordingly gather important data.

. It will also collect scientific data that will help develop methods for preparation, training and release.

The supervisors of the programme and all members of the coordination team and field operations expressed their sincere thanks to the competent Kazakh authorities who contributed to overcoming all difficulties. The supervisors were also grateful for the cooperation and effective participation in dealing with the exceptional circumstances resulting from the spread of the global epidemic of COVID-19,the complexities of preventive measures to contain the epidemic and logistical difficulties in domestic and international transportation.

The programme has continued to annually encourage all falconers and wildlife enthusiasts to participate with wild falcons including Sakr falcons and Peregrine and urges them to deliver them to the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital after the end of the hunting season or at any time of the year. Once the falcons are returned, they are examined, rehabilitated, and released in accordance with the scientific regulations and protocols used to enhance wildlife and support falcon's conservation efforts in their natural habitats.


Источник: Urdu Point

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