Kazakhstan Adopts National Development Plan Through 2025
11 Марта 2021

Almaty. March 11. Information Center - Kazakhstan has adopted a National Development Plan through 2025 that outlines the country’s long term priorities, reported the Kazakh National Economy Ministry press service. The document was developed by the Ministry and the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms at the instruction of Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, The Astana Times reports.
The plan, which supplementsKazakhstan’s Strategy 2050 national program, includes the main goals and new economic course priorities in the development of major sectors, addressing the impact of the coronavirus crisis and ensuring sustainable, inclusive and quality economic development.
To develop a “new economic structure,” the ministry will seek to increase its self-sufficiency, diversification, targeted investment attraction, export promotion and support for private entrepreneurs.
The efforts will focus on ten national priorities that are categorised across three blocks – the welfare of citizens, quality of institutions and building a strong economy.
The ten priorities include fair social policy, an accessible and effective healthcare system, quality education, a just and effective state to protect the interests of citizens, a new model of government, cultivating the values of patriotism, strengthening national security, building a diversified innovation-based economy, development of economic and trade diplomacy, and balanced territorial development.
“The spread of the coronavirus and the measures taken to contain it led to the most serious full-scale crisis in the last century. The impact of the pandemic and the global recession has formed a new reality which fundamentally changes the basic scenario ofKazakhstan’s development,” read the document.
The key targets envisioned in the document are five percent economic growth by 2025, increasing the share of small and medium enterprises in the gross domestic product to 35 percent (from the current 31.7 percent), increasing the share of investments in fixed capital to 30 percent of the GDP, doubling the share of non-commodity exports to 41 billion tenge (US$96.7 million) and increasing labour productivity by 45 percent.
Previous challenges only became bigger, requiring countries to adapt their development plans.
The document outlined economic, social, political and technological trends affectingKazakhstan. These include disrupted supply chains, a global economic slowdown, greater demand for digital technologies, growth of inequality worldwide, and escalating conflicts between countries.
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