
Kazakhstan’s Tokayev vows to implement new package of reforms in 2021


Almaty. December 15. Information Center - Next year, a new package of reforms will be announced, which will give impetus to democratic transformations in Kazakhstan aimed at building a “hearing state,” promoting and affirming the principles of justice and equal opportunities, said Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev told an award ceremony on December 14, New Europe reports.

“The coming year will be a milestone for us. It will pass under the sign of the 30th anniversary of the independence of our Motherland. This is the time to take stock and reflect on the path traversed. We will celebrate this most important date for our people with concrete deeds and new projects,” Tokayev said. “We will move away from the format of high-profile actions and pathetic events; all work will be structured as pragmatically as possible. We will continue to implement a comprehensive set of systemic measures in the economy, social sphere, ecology. We will pay close attention to the needs and requirements of all segments of the population, especially youth, women, people with disabilities. We are determined to continue the process of political modernisation of the country,” he added.

According to the Kazakh President, the outgoing year was difficult, dramatic, and non-standard. “My main mission as president is social justice and the growth of the people’s well-being. Therefore, the state’s daily efforts are focused on improving the quality of life of our citizens. This year, we have increased the size of pensions and social benefits to about 4 million citizens. We have increased social insurance payments by an average of 50%,” Tokayev said.

He said Kazakhs need to mobilise all their forces and resources to increase the real competitiveness of Kazakhstan. “Today, more than ever, the consolidation of the nation and selfless service to the values of the independence of every citizen is important. We will continue our external course towards strengthening the international security system, helping to strengthen the role of multilateral structures and the UN,” Tokayev said.

He also congratulated all the participants in the ceremony on Independence Day. The President stressed that independence is a solid foundation of our statehood and a reliable foundation of sovereignty.

On December 16-17, Kazakhstan celebrates Independence Day after the collapse of the USSR. These days in the republic are holidays.


Источник: New Europe

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