
Mortgage Services, Registration Now Accessible Online in Kazakhstan

Фото:The Astana Times

Almaty. July 13. Information Center - Mortgage services are now available in the real estate government database online in Kazakhstan. This was announced  in July by Kazakh Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Space Industry Bagdat Mussin, The Astana Times reports.

People now can apply for a mortgage online without going to the banks and collecting documents offline. The project has been launched in cooperation with the Freedom Finance Bank since July 1. Digitized homebuying is the next step, starting with the registration of rights and ending with the registration of withdrawal from the pledge in August. 

“This innovation is implemented by using modern blockchain technology which is certainly the first case use in Kazakhstan and probably even in the world. It is important for us to go cross-platform to provide any bank with access to public services and fully transfer to the online format,” Mussin wrote on his Twitter. 

The ministry now urges banks to transfer to this format so that in the future all mortgages and registrations go online.

The quick registration of the rights to real estate will also be available, said Serzhan Zhumabekov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Government for Citizens State Corporation at the July 8 press briefing. Submission time for documents through the Public Service Centres (PSCs or TsONs) has been reduced to one day.  

“The issuance of electronic technical passports for apartments, a room in a dormitory, and dachas (summer houses) is one of the more popular services, available since Dec. 14. Since then, approximately 8,000 technical passports have been produced and issued. We plan to expand this service to large real estate objects, including multi-storied buildings and residential buildings, non-residential and other real estate objects. The implementation period is December 2021,” said Zhumabekov.

The automation of the conclusion of contracts with public utilities services is expected by the fall. 

The “Government for Citizens” is the single provider of public services in Kazakhstan, and provides 659 types of services. The experts noted the increase in online services in the first half of the year. Some 107,000 services were provided through the e-government portal. Currently, social payments are also accessible online. 

Источник: The Astana Times

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