В 10 регионах Казахстана проведены задержания криминальных группировок, влияющих на учреждения УИС
В Туркестанской области пресечена деятельность ОПГ, похитившей 1,9 млрд тенге
В Алматинской области изъято 7 тонн наркотиков
Полиция задержала транснациональную организованную преступную группу в Жетісу
По мерам прокуратуры города Тараз приостановлена незаконная деятельность образовательной организации
Sungrow Adds 95 MWac of PV Installations to Its Kazakhstan Portfolio
10 Ноября 2020 993 Технологии sun, energy
Фото:Saur EnergyAlmaty. November 11. Information Center - Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that 95 MWac of 1500V medium-voltage central inverter solutions were operational well in Total Eren’s two solar PV projects in Kazakhstan to fully support the Central Asian renewable ambition, Saur Energy reports.
A Closer Look at the Landmark Plants
The two solar projects, which are a 75 MWac (100 MWp) plant named “M-KAT” in the Zhambyl region and a 20 MWac (28 MWp) plant named “Nomad” in the Kyzylorda region respectively, are both owned by Total Eren, a leading French-based Independent Power Producer (IPP) from renewable energy sources (mainly solar and wind). Construction works were handled by the Greek company METKA EGN. M-KAT and Nomad entered into COD in December 2019.
Kazakhstan is a country in Central Asia with a large geographical area and has a markedly continental climate, experiencing hot summers with temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius and cold winters with temperatures as low as minus 50 degree Celsius. Because of the huge distance from oceans, both the highest and the lowest records are noticeable.
Sungrow’s 1500V turnkey solutions utilized here ideally tackle the difficulties. Integrated with the 1500V central inverter, the medium-voltage transformer, RMU (Ring Main Unit) and auxiliary devices in a 20-ft container, the solutions enable easy transportation, installation and O&M, lowering the system cost. Functioning without derating under extreme temperatures due to smart forced air-cooling technology and competitive containerized design guarantees premium yields for the solar parks. The solutions enable a high DC/AC ratio which can minimize the LCOE. Notably, as one of the key players of 1500V technology, Sungrow has over 18 GW of 1500V inverter solutions installed across the globe.
Pioneer inCentral Asiawith Future-Proof Offerings
“Total Eren is committed to deliver competitive renewable energy for the benefit of the Kazakh people and to contribute to the diversification of the Kazakh energy market. We were pleased to work with Sungrow during the construction of our two first PV power plants inKazakhstan, and we are now looking forward to our next achievements in the country,” commented Fabienne Demol, Executive VP and Global Head of Business Development of Total Eren.
Sungrow inverters atKazakhstan
“We were honored to be selected by such an outstanding renewable IPP as Total Eren to provide our inverter solutions to their two solar farms inKazakhstan. I would like to personally thank them for their trust and support. Sungrow presents customers with optimal solutions that minimize LCOE and is poised to power more installations in this Central Asian country to cut down dependency of the fossil energy,” said James Wu, Vice President of Sungrow. The Company made significant headway in the nation, having hundreds of solar inverter solutions installed and taking the first place in market share yet.
KazakhstanSees Huge Potentials in Solar Market
Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Energy released recently that the country’s renewable energy generation doubled in the past three years, and the amount in 2020 is expected to surpass 3,000 GWh. It’s reported that the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) investments significantly helped jump-start the local renewable energy market. Adding to this opportunity is the International Energy Agency’s prediction that Kazakh energy demand will double by 2035.
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