Georgia eases entry restrictions for Armenian, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Russian, Belarusian travellers
25 Февраля 2021 1128 Туризм Georgia, Kazakhstan, visitors
Фото:Agenda.geAlmaty. February 25. Information Center - Travellers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus will be allowed to enter Georgia after presenting a negative PCR test from the past 72 hours at the border starting March 1, announces Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, reports.
Garibashvili explained that this will apply only to air borders and that the current restrictions on the land border remain in force.
Regular flights resumed in Georgia on February 1 and entry rules for Georgian as well as foreign visitors changed that day.
Entry rules for Covid-19 vaccinated visitors:
Citizens of all countries traveling by air from any country may enter Georgia if they present confirmation they have gone through the full schedule (two doses) of any Covid-19 vaccination at the border checkpoints of Georgia.
Entry rules for unvaccinated visitors:
Georgian nationals:
Georgian nationals presenting a negative result of the PCR test conducted within 72 hours prior to arrival will be subject to either 8-day self-isolation or to an optional PCR examination at their own expense on the third day of their arrival in Georgia. If self-isolation is not possible, he/she will be subject to mandatory quarantine.
If a Georgian national fails to submit the document confirming a PCR negative test result at the border, he/she will be placed in self-isolation for 8 days, and if self-isolation is not possible, he/she will be subject to mandatory quarantine.
All individuals who have travelled to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland within the last 14 days will be placed in mandatory quarantine for 12 days.
For foreigners:
Citizens and residence permit holders of European Union member states, Israel, Switzerland, Norway, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey and now six above-mentioned countries, may enter Georgia by air under the conditions mentioned below:
They must travel by air directly from these countries, with an allowance for transit travel through third countries (land and sea borders remain closed)
At the border checkpoint of Georgia they must present a PCR-examination certificate conducted in the past 72 hours prior to travel to Georgia
On the third day of their stay, they are obliged to undergo PCR-examination at their own expense
Before crossing the state border, they must complete a special application form indicating their travel history of the last 14 days, contact details (address, phone number, email etc.)
All individuals who have travelled to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland within the last 14 days will be placed in mandatory quarantine for 12 days upon entry. In this case, the obligation to present a negative PCR test result at the border as well as a PCR-examination on the third day of stay will be waived.
Travellers who are not citizens of the above-mentioned countries, are not vaccinated and do not have a negative PCR test result will not be able to enter Georgia for touristic purposes.
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