
Over 40 children in Kazakhstan suffer from post-COVID-19 Kawasaki-like syndrome


Almaty. October 1. Information Center - The new children’s disease continues to be diagnosed in Kazakhstan among children after their recovery from COVID-19. To date, 41 children in the country have fallen ill with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), or Kawasaki-like syndrome, Kazakh TV reports.

Such data was provided by Chairperson of the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Riza Boranbayeva. However, she assured there is no need to panic. The disease is not widespread and the epidemiological situation in the country is stable. 37 children have already been discharged from hospitals after recovery. Four children are currently receiving treatment. Boranbayeva stressed that now it is important to follow all preventive measures in order to protect our children from the dangerous disease. The most important thing in this situation is a timely reaction.

“All children with suspected MIS-C must be hospitalized in multidisciplinary children’s hospitals, where they will be diagnosed and treated accordingly. If this disease is diagnosed at an early stage and treatment starts in a timely manner, then the course of the disease will be mild,” said Boranbayeva. This disease is a side effect of COVID-19, which means that to fight it, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of contracting coronavirus. Boranbayeva believes that this applies first of all to children’s institutions, where anti-epidemic measures must be observed. This includes body temperature measurement in the morning, and asking parents about the condition of their child. Children, as before, must wear masks and follow social distancing.

 “Schools and kindergartens must have enough hand sanitizers. Large groups of people in small spaces must not be allowed. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms regularly, disinfect them and organize safe meals. Parents and children must be informed about the COVID-19 prevention,” Boranbayeva stressed.

Parents also need to pay attention to observing the basic protective norms. Their job now is to teach children to wear masks, wash their hands, not touch their faces and eyes with their hands, as well as try to avoid crowded places, when going out. Boranbayeva said that disinfection should become a new habit, including washing floors with antibacterial agents and disinfecting toys. Particular attention should be paid to eating healthy, walking in the fresh air, exercising and having a healthy daily routine. This will help strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is important not to self-medicate, but to immediately consult a doctor should the first symptoms of MIS-C appear.  

Источник: Kazakh TV

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