
Wife, 22, STANDS BY ‘stressed out’ Brit husband, 41, ‘who murdered their one-year-old daughter by crushing her brains’

Almaty. August 24. Information Center - A BRITISH pilot accused of crushing his baby daughter to death in a five star hotel suffers from a condition under which he can pass out from stress, a court heard, Brinkwire reports.

Airbus 330 captain Mohamed Barakat, 41, is accused of beating his wife before turning on one-year-old toddler Sofia while at a five-star hotel in Kazakhstan after an all-night drinking session. 

But in an emotional appeal by 22-year-old Madina Abdullayeva, she accused investigators of ignoring her evidence which could clear her husband of murder.

Giving evidence to an Almaty court, she defended the pilot and accused Kazakh police of seeking to stitch up her spouse.

Two sisters of the pilot also gave remote testimony from Britain to claim the pilot had been framed by a detective seeking the glory of convicting a respected pilot. 

The Kazakh wife and his legal team claimed the death of the couple’s only child was “essentially an accident”.

She told the court: “I have repeated many times that Mohamed could not have killed Sofia. 

“From my statement it is clear that I was shocked, scared and stressed. 

“I had lost my daughter under terrible circumstances, and I did not have a lawyer. 

“The police took advantage of this, and forced me to testify.

“They deprived  me of the right not to testify against my husband.”

I have repeated many times that Mohamed could not have killed Sofia

She told the court her husband suffered from “attacks”, and she had informed the investigator of these, but claimed she had been ignored.

Medical evidence indicated the Hong Kong Airlines pilot flying regular long distance flights could faint when stressed, the court has been told. 

Earlier, his previous lawyer had argued that he had accidentally fallen on the child last October. 

His wife said she had been “threatened” with being made a murder suspect if she did not testify against her “wonderful” British husband. 

“The prosecutors deliberately ignored my statement that I did not suspect Mohamed of murder,” she said.

Forensic experts established the child suffered multiple injuries and had no chance of survival in their eighth floor room, a remote session of the court hearing was told. 

Her skull was fractured and her brain “crushed”, it was reported.

The alleged violent attack followed Barakat’s return from an all-night drinking session at 7am when his wife phoned  his airline to say he was “ill”.

The call to Hong Kong Airlines “enraged” the experienced pilot who began punching his wife, says the prosecution case.

Источник: Brinkwire

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