
Wife of British pilot accused of beating his one-year-old girl to death says she wants to have 'new babies' with him

Almaty. December 22. Information Center - A British pilot accused of beating his one-year-old baby girl to death in a five star hotel has claimed he 'would never hurt my own daughter', a court heard, Daily Mail reports. 

Airbus captain Mohamed Barakat, 42, faces a life sentence if convicted by a judge in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

He is accused of murdering his daughter Sophia by banging her against a wall in a drunken rage at the five-star Intercontinental Hotel in Almaty after a night out.  

Kazakhstan state prosecutors have called for a life sentence for Barakat.

The commercial pilot pleads not guilty of murder and claims he is a long standing sufferer of epilepsy who had a 'seizure', causing an 'accident' which killed the British baby at the prestigious hotel.

He is supported by his Kazakh wife Madina, 23, who changed her initial testimony to plead with the judge not to jail him, and says she wants to have 'new babies' with the accused man.

A hotel employee said that when she brought the motionless and blue-coloured baby down to the hotel lobby from the couple's room, she shouted: 'He killed my child, he hit her.'

But she told judge Bakhytkhan Bakirbayev: 'You would probably think what kind of woman am I who protects her spouse who allegedly killed the child.

'However, this was not an intentional crime, he is not simply capable of causing harm, especially to Sophia.'

Barakat told the judge before he retired to consider his verdict: 'I was the first person who saw Sophia coming into this world. 

'We used to go to (her room) to smell her and watch her sleeping. I was going to teach her how to fly.'

He continued:  'I dreamed about Sophia two days ago. When I dream I always hug her and she always kisses me. I still remember the feel of her skin.

'Just because you have the power to put me in prison ,that doesn't mean you have the power to make me guilty. It means you will put an innocent man in prison.

'The judge asked me - 'Do you want me to find you innocent'. That was his question. I am innocent.

'Madina knows I am innocent. My family knows I'm innocent. The lawyers who stood with me - they know I'm innocent.'

His legal team told the court there had been dozens of procedural errors in the investigation and court process which had been unfair to the British man.

His sister Sara strongly criticised the investigation, and told the court by video link from Britain that he 'must have suffered a seizure'.

She said: 'We have no doubts in our minds or in our hearts that he is innocent.'

Wife Madina told the court she had been put under intolerable pressure by police investigators when she was in emotional turmoil about the loss of her child.

'I have no claims against my spouse Mohamed Barakat,' she said. 'He could not hurt our child and moreover he was not capable of committing the crime.

'I ask you to accept this statement as a basis for cancelling all the previous accusatory testimony made by me against my husband.

'Mohamed is the most loving and caring husband and friend. I love him with all my heart.' 

She said what happened at the hotel 'could only be death by negligence during an epileptic seizure.

'Mohamed would not hesitate to give his life for Sophia. She was everything for him….It was an accident.'

The judge is expected to give his verdict this week. 


Источник: Daily Mail

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