
Bingbon announces partnership with AdvCash adding Ukrainian and Kazakh fiat to crypto solutions

Almaty. July 15. Information Center - Bingbon, a crypto social trading exchange that offers crypto spot and derivative trading services, has announced a new partnership deal with a payment platform, Advanced Cash (AdvCash), Crypto News Flash reports.

The partnership will ensure that Bingbon users get access to diverse options of using fiat to purchase cryptocurrency. Its users will now be able to use Visa cards, Master cards, the ADV wallet, and Russian MIR cards to deposit and withdraw Russian, Kazakh, and Ukrainian fiat currencies. 

Since its inception, Bingbon has sought to improve on user experience execute transactions more smoothly and dependably. According to the communication and partnership manager at Bingbon, Elvisco Carrington, the partnership will help the firm expand its customer base to Ukraine and Kazakhstan in addition to its biggest market in Russia. 

This is a huge deal for us, and partnering with AdvCash has made all of this possible. It is an absolute pleasure to be working with them and we hope that this relationship only grows stronger with time, bringing value to both AdvCash and the Bingbon user community.

Bingbon users will enjoy the benefit of buying and selling a wide range of crypto assets including BCH, XRP, BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, and ZEC in USD/EUR/RUB/KZT/UAH using their credit cards. According to the official announcements, users will be redirected to an ADV payment page after making payment in fiat on the Bingbon platform. ADV will then use the current competitive exchange rate to convert the fiat into cryptocurrency, then transfer the amount to the provided crypto wallet. 

Both companies have strived to ensure that the process of conducting fiat currency transactions on Bingbon through AdvCash is as simple as possible.

Bingbon has plans to continue offering its services to countries with a huge base of crypto users. Their current targets are Russian-speaking countries, that is Russia and its neighbouring countries. Other countries situated In the Western and Eastern parts of Europe are on the company’s radar. 

Users will be able to take advantage of AdvCash’s infrastructure and payment options, as well as Bingbon’s advanced technology and diversified product functions.

AdvCash offers similar services like PayPal and supports merchant tools, plastic and virtual prepaid cards, in addition to its support for multiple cryptos and fiat currencies. 

Bingbon has been very active in improving its users’ experience over the last few years with several partnerships. Late last year, the platform partnered with XanPool, an internationally compliant fiat gateway software solution for exchanges, wallets, and crypto businesses to extend its fiat On-Ramp in Southeast Asia. Bingbon is determined on giving its users access to important crypto trading strategies as they invest in a simple, engaging, and transparent manner. 


Источник: Crypto News Flash

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