
Chinese FM holds talks with Tajik, Uzbek, Kyrgyz counterparts


Almaty. May 22. Information center - Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday held talks with his Tajik, Uzbek, and Kyrgyz counterparts, respectively, in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi province, China.org reports citing Xinhua.

Tajik Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, and Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Chingiz Aidarbekov are in China for the second China plus Central Asia (C+C5) foreign ministers meeting.

While meeting with Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Wang said that as brothers, good neighbors, and "iron friends," China and Tajikistan should earnestly implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state. The two sides should continue enhancing the "gold content" of bilateral relations, consolidate the foundation of political mutual trust, upgrade the scale and quality of cooperation, and push China-Tajikistan relations for a new development stage.

Echoing Wang's remarks, Sirojiddin Muhriddin said that Tajikistan regards China as its most reliable strategic partner. Tajikistan is ready to expand cooperation with China regarding the Belt and Road (B&R) and would continue to support the one-China principle.

During his talks with Abdulaziz Kamilov, Wang said that China-Uzbekistan relations maintain a sound and stable development momentum, which brings benefits to the two peoples.

He said that as the phone call between the two heads of state pointed out the direction for relations between the two countries in the post-epidemic period, China is willing to share development opportunities with Uzbekistan and expand general cooperation.

Abdulaziz Kamilov said Uzbekistan attaches great importance to relations with China and fully supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Uzbekistan hopes that China and Uzbekistan will strengthen cooperation in poverty reduction, interconnection, combating the "three evil forces," and jointly promote B&R construction.

Wang said that the friendship between China and Kyrgyzstan from generation to generation is the general trend and the people's will when meeting with Chingiz Aidarbekov.

He said that China is willing to do its best to provide support and assistance for Kyrgyzstan to achieve stability and development. China is also willing to expand B&R cooperation, promote the development strategies of the two countries, and expand new areas and open up new prospects for bilateral cooperation.

Chingiz Aidarbekov said, as China's good neighbor, brother, and partner, Kyrgyzstan firmly supports China on Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan issues, which involve China's core interests.

Источник: China.org

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