
Government Presents Plan For Social and Economic Development of North Kazakhstan Region Through 2025

Almaty. April 1. Information Center - The plan for the social and economic development of the North Kazakhstan region through 2025 has been presented at the March 30 meeting chaired by Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin, PrimeMinister.kz reported. The plan for the social and economic development of the North Kazakhstan region through 2025 has been presented at the meeting chaired by Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin, The Astana Times reports citing PrimeMinister.kz. 

The plan includes more than 80 initiatives in four main areas – investment projects, housing and infrastructure, social sector, public order and civil protection. 

The investments are worth approximately 2 trillion tenge (US$4 billion) and will help to implement new projects, create new jobs and restructure the region’s economy. 

“The region will get a new impetus for social and economic development. Some 26,000 jobs will be created (by 2025). Improving the life of people will stabilize the migration processes and create conditions to attract young people and specialists. This will be facilitated by improvements in the education and healthcare sectors,” said Mamin. 

According to the plan, the volume of manufacturing and agricultural products will increase by 1.5 times. The growth rate of the gross regional product is expected to reach 5.2 percent. 

Some 52 dairy farms, three feedlots, two poultry farms, a feed mill, a greenhouse and other facilities will be built. The CLAAS agricultural machinery and a John Deere service centre are preparing to localize its production. Molybdenum-tungsten mineralization of the Aksoran and Bayan ore deposits will also be localized. A mining and metallurgical plant and new production facilities will be built according to the ready-built factory type. 

The wholesale distribution centres in Petropavlovsk will become an industrial, trade and logistics hub with the focus on the transhipment of agricultural goods from the northern regions of Kazakhstan and minerals, coal, cement and other goods. 

“The export potential of the northern regions of Kazakhstan to the Siberian, northern and far eastern regions of Russia is about $1 billion,” Minister of Trade and Integration Bakhyt Sultanov said at the meeting.

The hub will serve as a platform for cooperation with Russian companies and other neighbouring countries.

The number of flights will increase from 16 to 68 per month to improve business activity.  

A new sports centre will be built in the Imantau-Shalkar resort area and the Sports Palace accommodating 3,000 seats in Petropavlovsk.  

Also, it is planned to open 47 healthcare facilities in the region as well as 16 schools and a boarding school for children with special needs. A new university and a centre for academic excellence will be built. 


Источник: The Astana Times

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