
Political reform in Kazakhstan responsive to the needs and ambitions of its citizens

Фото:EU Reporter

Almaty. October 4. Information Center - On 23 September 23 members of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly signed and presented a written declaration supportive of Kazakhstan and welcoming the country's action to abolish the death penalty, EU Reporter reports on Monday.

The declaration states:

"We welcome the decision by the Kazakh authorities to abolish the death penalty entirely by signing the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty.

We mostly welcome the statement of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the General Debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly where he underlined the strong position of the State to fulfil the fundamental right to life and human dignity and his decision to join the Second Optional Protocol.

This decision is in keeping with the values and principles of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as set out in Resolution 2193 (2017) “The relations of the Council of Europe with Kazakhstan”. This also shows the determination of Kazakhstan to combat this cruel and inhuman penalty and follow the growing abolitionist trend.

Kazakhstan is an important partner of the Council of Europe in the context of the second “Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities for Kazakhstan” adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 4 April 2019.

We therefore call on Kazakhstan to follow the previously announced principles to build a democratically developed and human rights-oriented State."

This written declaration was signed by:

Ms Laima Liucija ANDRIKIENĖ, Lithuania, EPP/CD ; Ms Nigar ARPADARAI, Azerbaijan, EC/DA ; Mr Erkin GADIRLI, Azerbaijan, EC/DA ; Ms Ekaterina GECHEVA-ZAHARIEVA, Bulgaria, EPP/CD ; Mr Oleksii GONCHARENKO, Ukraine, EC/DA ; Lord Leslie GRIFFITHS, United Kingdom, SOC ; Mr Antonio GUTIÉRREZ LIMONES, Spain, SOC ; Ms Maria-Gabriela HORGA, Romania, EPP/CD ; Mr Andrej HUNKO, Germany, UEL ; Mr Yuriy KAMELCHUK, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Kimmo KILJUNEN, Finland, SOC ; Mr Tiny KOX, Netherlands, UEL ; Sir Tony LLOYD, United Kingdom, SOC ; Ms Yuliya LOVOCHKINA, Ukraine, SOC ; Mr Arminas LYDEKA, Lithuania, ALDE ; Mr Arkadiusz MULARCZYK, Poland, EC/DA ; Mr Aleksander POCIEJ, Poland, EPP/CD ; Mr Francesco SCOMA, Italy, EPP/CD ; Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Azerbaijan, EC/DA ; Mr Stefan TAFROV, Bulgaria, NR ; Mr Vladimir VARDANYAN, Armenia, EPP/CD ; Ms Yelyzaveta YASKO, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD


Источник: EU Reporter

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