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Руководители РГП «Еңбек» изобличены в коррупции
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Какие развязки и пробивки завершат в 2025 году в Алматы
Житель Байзакского района задержан за хранение крупной партии марихуаны с целью сбыта
Kazakh woman tests positive for COVID after arriving in Taiwan
23 Апреля 2021 1177 Туризм
Almaty. April 23. Information Center - The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Thursday (April 22) announced four new COVID-19 infections imported from Kazakhstan, the Philippines, and Indonesia, Taiwan News reports.
At a press conference on Thursday, CECC Spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) announced four new cases of COVID-19, raising the country's total to 1,086. The latest cases include one Kazakh, two Filipinos, and one Indonesian.
Each had submitted the negative result of a coronavirus test taken within three days of their flight, and each was sent directly to their residence, an epidemic prevention hotel, or a quarantine center upon arrival inTaiwan.
Chuang said that case No. 1,084 is a Kazakh woman in her 30s who came for work on April 14. She began to experience a cough on April 16.
On April 18, as her cough continued and she began to have difficulty breathing, the health department arranged for her to undergo a coronavirus test.
She was diagnosed with COVID-19 on April 22 with a Ct value of29. Asecond test resulted in a Ct value of 33, and she was found to be positive for both IgM and IgG antibodies.
The health department has identified seven passengers who sat in the two rows directly in front of and behind her, along with 17 crew members on her flight. The passengers have been told to enter home isolation, while the crew members have been asked to undergo self-health monitoring, as they were deemed to have worn proper protective gear.
According to Chuang, cases 1,085 and 1,086 are Filipina migrant workers in their 20s and 30s who came toTaiwanfor work on April 7. As their quarantines were ending, they underwent coronavirus tests on April 20.
On April 22, they were diagnosed. Case No. 1,085 was found to have a Ct value of 30, with a second test resulting in a Ct value of 33, and was negative for IgM antibodies and positive for IgG antibodies.
On her first test, case No. 1,086 was found to have a Ct value of 36, while her second test yielded a value of 35. She was found to be negative for IgM antibodies and positive for IgG antibodies.
Because the two have been asymptomatic since arriving inTaiwanand have not come in contact with others during their quarantines, the health department has not listed any contacts.
Chuang stated that case No. 1,087 is a male Indonesian fishery worker in his 30s who came for work on March 25. He stayed at an epidemic prevention hotel until the end of his quarantine on April 8.
After his quarantine ended, he was transferred to a residence to undergo self-health monitoring. As required by his company, he was transported to a hospital to take a self-paid coronavirus test on April 20.
The health department has not listed any contacts in his case because he has been asymptomatic since arriving inTaiwan, did not come into contact with others during quarantine and self-health monitoring, and the medical staff who examined him wore proper protective equipment.
He was diagnosed on April 20, with a Ct value of 32 on the first test and 34 on the second test. He was found to be negative for IgM antibodies and positive for IgG antibodies.
Since the outbreak began,Taiwanhas carried out 201,061 COVID-19 tests, with 198,980 coming back negative. Out of the 1,086 officially confirmed cases, 968 were imported, 77 were local, 36 came from the Navy's "Goodwill Fleet," two were from a cargo pilot cluster, and one was an unresolved case.
One person (case No. 530) was removed as a confirmed case, and the status of two new cases has yet to be determined.
Up until now, 11 individuals have succumbed to the disease in the country, while 1,041 have been released from hospital isolation, leaving 34 patients still undergoing treatment.
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