
New architectural sites open abroad to mark Abai’s 175th birth anniversary


Almaty. September 24. Information Center - A reading room ‘Collection of Abai’ named after the great Kazakh poet was opened in Lithuania’s capital of Vilnius, Kazakh TV reports referring to  press office of Kazakh Foreign Ministry

 In his opening remarks, Kazakh Ambassador to Lithuania Viktor Temirbayev noted the symbolism behind the opening of the reading hall of Abai in the library named after the famous European poet Adam Mickiewicz. The founder of the Kazakh written literature was the first eastern poet to translate the works of Mickiewicz into his native language. Temirbayev emphasized  that the introduction to European culture was one of the aspirations of Abai, who was one of the first to introduce Kazakh people to the works of Schiller, Goethe, Pushkin and Byron. Participants of the opening ceremony agreed that the reading hall will become a real center of attraction for Kazakh culture not only in Lithuania, but throughout the entire Baltic region. During the preparation for the opening of the reading room of Abai, the Vilnius Library and the East Kazakhstan Regional Universal Library named after Abai, which is the oldest library in Kazakhstan, reached an agreement on cooperation. Also, until the end of the year, Kazakh Embassy, together with the local publishing house, plans to present in the reading room the novel ‘The Path of Abai’ by Mukhtar Auezov and the novel ‘The Teacher’s Return’ by Anuar Alimzhanov that were both translated into Lithuanian. During the event, opera singer Raimonda Janutenaite and famous accompanist Nijole Baranauskaite performed popular songs by Abai ‘Kozimnin Karasy’, ‘Zhelsiz Tunde Zharyk Ai’ and ‘Aittym Salem, Kalamkas’. Meantime, the name of Abai will forever stay in the architectural appearance of the Turkish Antalya. The city held an opening ceremony of the park and commemorative plaque to honor the great Kazakh poet and philosopher. “The naming of the park after Abai Kunanbaiuly is an important event that demonstrates the spiritual and cultural affinity of the Kazakh and Turkish peoples. The name of Abai is one of the great names uniting the Turkic world,” said Umit Uysal, Mayor of the Muratpasa district in Antalya. A concert program was organized for the event during which popular poems and songs by Abai were performed. The city residents and visitors of Antalya were given the works of the Kazakh poet translated into Turkish.  

Источник: Kazakh TV

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