322 observers from 10 international organizations accredited to monitor elections in Kazakhstan
06 Января 2021 1056 Политика elections, observers
Almaty. January 5. Information Center - The Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan has completed the accreditation of observers of international organizations and foreign states for the 10 January elections, Aki Press reports referring to Euractiv.com.
The election commission held a meeting on 4 January to deliver accreditations to international observers for the election of deputies to the lower chamber of Parliament (Mazhilis) and the House of local representatives (Maslikhats), scheduled for 10 January.
Kazakh authorities and commentators previously said the COVID-19 pandemic should not be an obstacle for holding the election, which is expected to further advance the soft democratic reform process currently ongoing in the Central Asian country.
Kazakhstanis holding parliamentary elections on 10 January, expected to further bolster the soft democratic reform process in the Central Asian country. In a wide-ranging interview, political scientist Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov explained the political landscape and the stakes ahead of the ballot.
The meeting, which took place by video conference, was attended by representatives of political parties and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the specialised institution of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as well as of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the regional intergovernmental organisation of nine post-Soviet republics inEurasia.
In accordance with the country’s constitutional law, the accreditation of observers of foreign states and international organisations ends five days before voting day. In total, 398 observers were accredited for the elections, of which:
observers from 10 international organisations: CIS Interparliamentary Assembly
– 48; CIS Executive Committee – 179; Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – 4;
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights – 42; OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly – 9; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation – 15; Cooperation
Council of Turkic-speaking States – 7; Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective
Security Treaty Organisation – 7; Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking
countries – 9; EU Delegation to Kazakhstan – 2.
76 observers from from 31 foreign states: Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives,
Moldova, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Romania,
India, Philippines, Hungary, Spain, Norway, France, Switzerland, Poland, Czech
Republic, Italy, Estonia, Ukraine, Germany, Belgium, Palestine, Great Britain,
Mongolia, Sweden, Canada, Finland.
The European Parliament was not mentioned in the official communication to the
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