
Coal Processing Plant Opens in Karaganda Region


Almaty. May 14. Information Center - The Qaz Carbon company launched a processing plant producing high-quality low-ash coal on May 11 in the Karaganda region, The Astana Times reports referring to the press service of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan.

The plant’s capacity is 300 tons of coal per hour or two million tons per year. Some 110 new jobs have already been created. 

“The Karaganda region is an industrial region with clusters that are involved in the extraction and processing of raw materials. Today we attended the opening of an enrichment plant built using the latest technologies. The Qaz Carbon company has extensive experience in implementing large investment projects. Last year, a major modernization of the foundry was launched here. A new ferroalloy plant is expected to be built here soon,” Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar said at the opening ceremony of the plant. 

The enterprise uses the wet enrichment method. The whole process takes place in a closed cycle without chemicals and water clarification pools. This minimizes the impact on the environment, reduces production times and costs, and goes in line with the norms of the new Environmental Code. The production process is fully automated. 

“At the construction stage, the developers introduced modern smart technologies and supported local producers. The share of local content will be 100 percent. The production creates new jobs and has a positive socio-economic impact on the region’s development,” said Akim (Governor) of the Karaganda region Zhenis Kassymbek. 

The key suppliers of raw materials are local coal enterprises. The Karaganda Ferroalloy Plant is the main consumer of finished products and the products will also go for exports.

The Qaz Carbon company is also engaged in the production of coke and semi-coke, iron and steel products.

In his state-to-the nation address on Sept.1, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said that investment activities and export promotion of local goods and services are a priority for the government. Productivity growth was named one of the basic principles of the new economic program.

Источник: The Astana Times

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