Majilis Elections: Foreign Observers Impressed By High Level of Preparedness at Polling Stations
11 Января 2021 942 Политика elections, Kazakhstan
Фото:The Astana TimesAlmaty. January 11. Information Center - As the polling stations opened at 7 a.m. sharp, the observers started visiting polling stations nationwide. In particular, they stressed that there was no overcrowding at the polling stations. Every electoral participant followed sanitary norms. The stations also made voting easy and accessible for people with disabilities. All citizens were provided with masks and gloves upon arrival if needed, The Astana Times reports.
As for the countries with a long lasting history of democracy, the observers fromItaly,France, andGermanyhighly praised the execution of the Kazakh elections and stressed that they were “impressed and surprised.”
They reported no violations and stressed thatKazakhstanis a great example that shows the possibility of conducting elections during the pandemic.
This is the second visit of European Parliament member Thierry Marianni as an observer. Marianni came as an observer from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to watch elections in 1995. Marianni stressed that the difference that 25 years has made inKazakhstanis colossal.
“Some people might say thatKazakhstanneeds more progress, but you can say the same aboutFrance. The progress thatKazakhstanmade in 30 years is impressive,” said Marianni.
The countries from Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and post-Soviet space also expressed their similar impressions and findKazakhstan’s election an example for other countries.
According to Tomasz Lenz, a deputy of the Sejm (lower house of the Polish parliament), noticed in the first few hours there weren’t as many people at the polling stations. Lenz also noticed that proportionally there were many young people coming to vote, unlike in the elections of other countries, where the youth is less interested in exercising their political rights.
“We have seen that the elections are conducted in a transparent way – the organization was perfect,” said Turkish parliament’s deputy Zeki Hakan Sidali who came a second time as an observer. “I had the opportunity to speak with several people [during his stay inKazakhstan]. The elections were done in a democratic way. People come at their own will.”
According to independent expert fromTurkey, Tugrul Camas, the Kazakh democratic processes should not be compared to the ones seen in mature democracies. As a relatively young nation,Kazakhstanhas room to grow, but he stressed that “each election is better than the previous one.”
Four Ukrainian observers reported higher voter turnout at the polling stations close tonoon. According to the observers, despite few minor violations, “in general, the elections inKazakhstancan be considered democratic.”
“All parties stopped their campaigns for the pre-election day of silence. There were no violations here,” Serhii Ievtushok, a deputy of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada unicameral parliament reported. “There was a minor violation where cabins were not covered with curtains,” he added.
Ukrainian politicians also noted thatUkrainehas lessons to learn fromKazakhstan’s electoral practices and the public discipline present at the polling stations.
Estonian observers also were “pleasantly surprised” with the voter turnout and “wistfully mourned the lack of similar voter turnout [inEstonia.]”
As election day proceeds, the foreign observers will continue their missions at the polling stations. The observers from international organizations will summarize their observations on Jan. 11.
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