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Maldives Non-Resident Ambassador presents credentials to Kazakh President
29 Апреля 2021 1239 Политика
Almaty. April 29. Information Center - Omar Abdul Razzak, the Maldives non-resident ambassador to Kazakhstan has presented his credentials to Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Raajje reports.
During a ceremony held at ‘Akorda’, the presidential palace inKazakhstan, Ambassador Omar presented his letter of credence to the Kazakh president, expressing confidence that he shall continue to work closely with the government ofKazakhstanin strengthening relations enjoyed withMaldives.
Taking to Twitter after the ceremony, Ambassador Omar revealed that he expects to bolster “progressive” tourism and trade as well as educational ties, as well as attracting mutually beneficial investments during his tenure.
Calling on the Kazakh president upon conclusion of the ceremony, theMaldivesambassador expressed gratitude for being granted the honor to present his credentials and serve as the non-resident ambassador.
Further, he conveyed President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s greetings to the people and president ofKazakhstanand reaffirmed his commitment to work closely with the government ofKazakhstanto enhance bilateral relations, with a renewed focus.
Congratulating Ambassador Omar on assuming his ambassadorial duties, the Kazakh President expressed hope that work will continue in strengthening bilateral relations between both countries, as well as the boosting of people-to-people contact between Maldives and Kazakhstan.
Following the credential ceremony, Ambassador Omar joined the Kazakh media in presenting a press statement, during which he stated that both countries will be celebrating 21 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries.
He added that both countries have “always” enjoyed a relationship based on mutual trust, respect and recognition and reaffirmed commitment to expand bilateral relations between the two countries during his tenure.
Noting that Kazakhstan remains one of the top five tourist arrival markets in the Maldives since borders were reopened for international travel on 15 July 2020, Ambassador Omar expressed hope to initiate more activities to promote the country’s tourist market in Kazakhstan and also promote Kazakhstan as a tourist destination to the citizens of Maldives.
Expressing hope for the relationship between Maldives and Kazakhstan to rise to new heights in the coming years, Ambassador Omar wished every success, peace and prosperity to the Kazakhstani people.
Calling on the Kazakh president upon conclusion of the ceremony, the Maldives ambassador expressed gratitude for being granted the honor to present his credentials and serve as the non-resident ambassador.
Further, he conveyed President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s greetings to the people and president of Kazakhstan and reaffirmed his commitment to work closely with the government of Kazakhstan to enhance bilateral relations, with a renewed focus.
Congratulating Ambassador Omar on assuming his ambassadorial duties, the Kazakh President expressed hope that work will continue in strengthening bilateral relations between both countries, as well as the boosting of people-to-people contact between Maldives and Kazakhstan.
Following the credential ceremony, Ambassador Omar joined the Kazakh media in presenting a press statement, during which he stated that both countries will be celebrating 21 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries.
He added that both countries have “always” enjoyed a relationship based on mutual trust, respect and recognition and reaffirmed commitment to expand bilateral relations between the two countries during his tenure.
Noting that Kazakhstan remains one of the top five tourist arrival markets in the Maldives since borders were reopened for international travel on 15 July 2020, Ambassador Omar expressed hope to initiate more activities to promote the country’s tourist market in Kazakhstan and also promote Kazakhstan as a tourist destination to the citizens of Maldives.
Expressing hope for the relationship between Maldives and Kazakhstan to rise to new heights in the coming years, Ambassador Omar wished every success, peace and prosperity to the Kazakhstani people.
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